An Interview with Catherine from Natural Wellness Box

'Self care' is a phrase we are hearing more and more these days and it's a very important one. Life has slowed down for many people in recent times and has given a lot of us the opportunity to take a good look at the way we treat our bodies and minds. This month we spoke to Catherine, the founder of Natural Wellness Box about why she created her business and the importance of self care.
How would you describe your Natural Wellness Boxes and what you are doing as a brand?
Our boxes are a unique collection of natural beauty & skincare, natural health and then a healthy treat and drink. Each box is themed so all the products work together to provide the ultimate wellness experience. Our January collection was themed "Wake Up' which included products to help wake up your mind, body and skin. We were lucky to be able to include exclusive products by Saint Iris Adriatica, Ila spa and Natalia Botanicals, We also included some adaptogenic coffee which went down a storm! Our brand ethos is to provide the ultimate wellness and self care experience, and to help everyone feel beautiful from the inside out - prioritising health and wellness as well as just beauty and skincare inside our boxes. We feature exclusive brands and products that we choose personally - so everything inside has been specially chosen, not just 'thrown in',
If you had to use 5 words to describe what’s important to your brand, what would they be?
Natural, luxe, vegan friendly, Cruelty free, sustainability
What was the motivation for starting your beautiful boxes?
After having my second child, I decided to stay at home and do something to work around looking after my family. I have always had a passion for beauty and skincare, natural ingredients, and also natural health. I subscribed to a few boxes and found that the boxes were either just beauty or just snacks and nothing for natural health and wellness. There wasn't a box that provided natural health alternatives, wellness so I decided to be brave and create a box that I would love to subscribe to myself, and hope that other people would to! I have learned everything along the way, made some huge rookie mistakes, learned from the mistakes and built up some amazing contacts in the industry and worked with some amazing brands. It has been hard and a struggle I won't lie, and I've nearly given up, but I just had to make it work.
What does sustainability mean to you?
We have always tried to be as sustainable as we can - all the products are suitable for vegans and cruelty free. I personally check the ingredients of everything and make sure there are no 'nasties' or animal derivatives. We also make sure our packaging is recyclable and products we feature have recyclable packaging. These things are more important now than ever and means more to people now than it ever has before, so we always double check everything.
What does 2021 have in store for you?
We are hoping to work with more amazing brands, create more unique exciting collections, work on our PR and gain more media awareness, and hope to keep increasing our subscriber numbers each month and sharing more wellness!
To subscribe to Catherine's Wellness boxes, visit her website